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Is it serious to have degenerative disc disease?

Is it serious to have degenerative disc disease?

If you or a loved one suffers from degenerative disc disease , it is normal to be concerned about their quality of life. Between back pain , muscle stiffness and other disorders that prevent you from sleeping well, working or continuing your daily activities, this spinal disease can literally reduce your simplest areas of action, if it does not is not properly supported. Cellsius reviews the particularities of this disc degeneration , the disabling consequences at work and the possible help to improve your lifestyle.


Degenerative disc disease: What are we talking about?

Degenerative disc disease ,  or  disc degeneration , results from  deterioration of the spinal discs , caused by significant repetitive stress on the spine.

A weakening of the intervertebral discs

Over the years, carrying loads, shocks during walking, repeated movements of the trunk and poor postures, the discs gradually lose their ability to cushion impacts between the vertebrae, thus compromising the flexibility and resistance of the back. This deterioration is often attributed to water loss linked to aging or to underlying pathologies such as disc herniation or osteoarthritis. As a result, the discs sag, pushing the vertebrae together and reducing the space for the nerves in the spine.

The 3 types of disc degeneration

There are 3 main families of disc degeneration.

examples of degenerative disc disease

  • L5-S1 disc disease concerns wear of the disc between the L5 and S1 vertebrae, at the lumbosacral junction, located at the level of the sacrum, just above the buttocks. This area, subject to frequent pressure, supports the entire weight of the back, thus accelerating the wear of the intervertebral disc.
  • Lumbar disc disease concerns wear between the L4-L5 vertebrae, located in the lower back region. When several intervertebral discs are affected, we speak of stepped lumbar disc disease.
  • Cervical disc disease , C5-C6 disc disease, concerns the wear of the intervertebral discs at the neck.


What are the serious symptoms of degenerative disc disease?

Although this condition can be a natural consequence of aging, it becomes pathological as soon as it causes:

  • Intense back pain , such as neck pain or back pain, accompanied by pain in the upper back that can radiate to the shoulder blades, or even lower back pain.
  • Neurological disorders : loss of sensitivity in the arms, tingling or even loss of manual dexterity.
  • Stiffness with a more or less significant loss of mobility.

If any of these disorders appear, you should consult a healthcare professional to assess the severity of the disc degeneration . Examinations such as MRI or CT scan will assess the damage to the nerve roots and vertebrae, in order to prescribe the appropriate treatments.

Treatments for degenerative disc disease

In the case of degenerative disc disease, rest time should be as short as possible. Even if you are in pain, you should try to stay mobile as much as possible.

Conservative treatments

To do this, start by relieving the pain by taking or injecting medicinal treatments such as anti-inflammatories and analgesics to reduce pain and inflammation, or even muscle relaxants to reduce muscular contractures of the spine.

In addition, treatments recommended by the physiotherapist can be beneficial, such as:

Exercises to strengthen the spine and abdominal muscles.

Orthopedic accessories such as:

  • The cervical pillow to support the head and align the cervical vertebrae
  • The lumbar cushion to lighten the weight of the body on the sacrum and restore an ergonomic sitting posture.
  • The knee pillow to prevent lower back twisting while sleeping in a side position.

Orthopedic cushion for degenerative disc disease

Surgical interventions

If conservative treatment fails after a few weeks of testing, surgical intervention can sometimes be considered. Several options are possible:

  • Arthroplasty : replacing the worn disc with a disc prosthesis to restore the functionality and mobility of the spine.
  • The placement of interspinous implants when the disc can be preserved, to relieve nerve compression and stabilize the spine.
  • Arthrodesis : immobilize the joint between the affected vertebrae by fusing the vertebrae using lateral rods screwed to the vertebral pedicles.

How to live with debilitating degenerative disc disease?

The consequences of degenerative disc disease

By settling insidiously into everyday life, degenerative disc disease transforms into an emotional burden. Difficulty sitting or standing for long periods or finding comfortable sleeping positions exacerbates general exhaustion.

Between restless nights, poor quality sleep and the inability to relax during the day... This combination of chronic pain and inability to lead a normal life generates periods of depression and anxiety.

Can we work with degenerative disc disease?

Depending on the working conditions and the severity of the illness, assessed by the attending physician, it is possible to continue professional activity with suitable accommodations, such as office stations equipped with ergonomic layout and equipment. to minimize pain and prevent any worsening of the condition.

In the most severe cases, where the disability rate exceeds 20%, degenerative disc disease can be recognized as a disability or an occupational disease. Particularly if the pathology is attributed to unfavorable working conditions such as carrying heavy loads or poor postural ergonomics when standing or sitting.

Learn more about the best position for sitting

Help in the event of disabling disc disease

To minimize the impact of illness on daily life, these people can benefit from various compensations.

  • A disability card with parking priority mention (CMI), to facilitate access to seats on public transport or to parking lots reserved for disabled people.
  • Allowance for disabled adults (AAAH degenerative disc disease) to cope with a loss of activity.
  • The education allowance for disabled children (AEEH) with its supplement to ensure the child's monitoring.
  • A disability compensation benefit (PCH) to finance adapted equipment, the use of human assistance, the adaptation of your home or your vehicle.

To do this, the patient must have disc disease recognized as a disability by the Departmental Center for Disabled Persons (MDPH):

  • Prove the strong impact of this illness on your social and professional life at MDPH, such as the impossibility of bending down, lifting objects, or that it forces you to reduce or cease your professional activity.
  • Prepare the application file carefully.
  • Write the life project section
  • Provide the relevant supporting documents and the list of the various aid requested.


If, despite treatments, it is difficult to completely cure degenerative disc disease, it is important to improve your comfort to live better with the disease. This requires support on a financial, emotional and professional level.


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